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 Titel 'Scape Magazine #2,
Nightscapes - An ode to darkness

'Scape Magazine

formaat nvt
ISBN 978 94 92474 759, NUR 410
aantal blz 176
prijs €24,50
uitgegeven in november 2023
verkrijgbaar via Deze speciale editie van 'Scape Magazine
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’Scape - het internationale tijdschrift voor landschapsarchitectuur en stedenbouw - wijdt een gehele editie aan de duisternis en lichtontwerp. In Nightscapes / An ode to darkness onderzoekt ’scape allerlei aspecten die met donkerte samenhangen. In dit unieke en rijk geïllustreerde Engelstalige nummer wordt gezocht naar de schoonheid en betekenis van duisternis, en hoe we duisternis kunnen integreren in het ontwerpen aan onze omgeving.

Nightscapes / An ode to darkness, 'Scape Magazine

This issue contains:

  • projects in lighting design that take a healthy planet and the nocturnal landscape as their point of departure.
  • essays and interviews with lighting designers (such as Perry Maas, Ellen de Vries, Roger Narboni and Pernille Bech-Larsen) and dark sky advocates.
  • a collection of impressive photos showing dark skies in the US and Australia.

This issue of ’scape contains exciting and above all urgent projects all over the world that explore light design as primarily enhancing biodiversity and interactions between humans and their surroundings. This prioritizes questions such as: what if we design with moonlight? What if we use big data to analyse movements throughout the city at night? What if we consider night blooming plants? But also: what is the effect of artificial light on the behaviour of nocturnal animals, such as insects, bats and birds? Exploring the natural features of our nocturnal ecosystem and using artificial lighting design to strengthen and support nightly, environmental needs, the designers and projects in this issue show new ways in which lighting design may respond to the far reaching consequences of light pollution, and the decrease in biodiversity – by taking a healthy, sustainable planet for both humans and non-humans as their central point of focus.
